The Nutramilk Blogazine

In a Nutshell

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Dogs are a member of the family and as with any member of the family, most dog owners like to share everything with man’s best friend, especially food. We get it! It’s tough to turn down those puppy dog eyes, but is it safe to share a spoonful of your favorite nut and seed butters with Fido? Here are the nut and seed butters you can safely share with your furry friend and which ones to avoid.

Benefits of Nut and Seed Butters

Nut and seed butters can be beneficial to your pet’s health as many nuts and seeds are good sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and protein, both of which dogs lack. However, it’s important to remember the nutritional benefits of nut and seed butters should not be a substitute for a healthy diet. Your pup depends on you for their health and safety, so be sure to consult your veterinarian about any specific concerns when it comes to your dog’s daily diet.

Nut Butters You Can Share with Your Dog

Dogs can have some nuts and nut butters including almonds, cashews and peanuts. However, it’s important to note higher fat nuts like almonds can cause digestive issues for your dog due the higher amount of oil and fats present within them. If you plan on sharing your favorite almond butter with your pooch, remember less is best!

If you are snacking on whole nuts while whipping up your own homemade batch of nut butters with your NutraMilk, it’s safe to share one or two with your dog, but only if the nuts are unsalted as large amounts of salty snacks can have adverse effects on your pet’s health.

Try this recipe for Simple Almond Butter both you and your dog will enjoy.

Seed Butters You Can Share with Your Dog

Just like with nut butters, dogs can enjoy a variety of seed butters, but not all seed butters. Pets can enjoy chia seed butter, pumpkin seed butter and even sunflower seed butter. If you want to share sunflower seeds with your dog, make sure the outer shell is removed first. Other seeds and seed butters you can share with your dog include: camelina, hemp, quinoa and sesame.

Check out these simple seed recipes for Pumpkin Seed Butter, Sunflower Seed Butter and Sesame Seed Butter.

Nuts and Seeds to Avoid Sharing with Your Dog

Not all nuts and seeds are best to share with your furry friend, which is why you want to avoid sharing the following nut and seeds with your beloved pet:

  • Any type of chocolate covered nut
  • Black walnuts
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Peanut butters with *xylitol
  • Whole pecans and walnuts (The larger size can cause digestive upset)

  • *Xylitol is an artificial sweetener found in many products including baked goods, chewing gum, cough drops, even toothpaste. Xylitol causes insulin release in most species, which can ultimately lead to liver failure. The best way to avoid nut and seed butters made with xylitol is to make your own at home using The NutraMilk system.

    Treat in Moderation

    Although certain nut and seed butters may be deemed safe to share with your dog, every dog is different, so pay extra close attention when introducing them to new foods. As with any food in a dog’s diet, moderation is important. Feeding your furry friend one or two spoonfuls of nut or seed butter here and there for a special treat is not generally cause for concern, but keep in mind dogs should receive the majority of their daily calories from food and not treats. Treats can account for up to 10% of a dog’s daily caloric intake and can include packaged pet treats or select human foods like nut and seed butters. Just remember what nut and seed butters to share and which to avoid!

    Looking for some more dog inspired nut and seed spreads? Check out these three recipes from Animal Wellness Magazine.

